Journal Publications

O’Malley, K., McNamara, P., Marshall, C., LaMartina, E. L., Ali, N., & McDonald, W.M. (2024). Environmental Drivers Impact the Accumulation and Diversity of Antibiotic Resistance in Green Stormwater Infrastructure. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 133923. [Link] [PDF]

Gunawardana, C., & McDonald, W.M. (2024).Impacts of land use changes on discharge and water quality in rivers and streams: Case study of the continental United States. JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association. [Link] [PDF]

Kumar, S., Imen, S., Sridharan, V.K., Gupta, A., McDonald, W.M., Ramirez-Avila, J.J., Abdul-Aziz, O.I., Talchabhadel, R., Gao, H., Quinn, N.W. and Weiss, W.J., 2024. Perceived barriers and advances in integrating earth observations with water resources modeling. Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment, 33, p.101119. [Link] [PDF]

Bodus, B., O'Malley, K., Dieter, G., Gunawardana, C., & McDonald, W.M., 2023. Review of emerging contaminants in green stormwater infrastructure: Antibiotic resistance genes, microplastics, tire wear particles, PFAS, and temperature. Science of The Total Environment, 167195. [Link] [PDF]

Gunawardana, C., & McDonald, W.M. (2023). The influence of socioeconomic and spatial variables on total maximum daily load progress in the United States. Water Policy, 25(11), 1062-1078. [Link] [PDF]

Dupasquier, M., Hernandez, J., Gonzalez, A., Aguirre, C., & McDonald, W.M., 2023. Integrated tire wear buildup and rainfall-runoff model to simulate tire wear particles in stormwater. Journal of Environmental Management, 346, 118958. [Link] [PDF]

O'Malley, K., McDonald, W., & McNamara, P., 2023. Antibiotic resistance in urban stormwater: a review of the dissemination of resistance elements, their impact, and management opportunities. Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology. [Link] [PDF]

Jyoti, J. S., Medeiros, H., Sebo, S., & McDonald, W.M., 2023. River velocity measurements using optical flow algorithm and unoccupied aerial vehicles: A case study. Flow Measurement and Instrumentation, 91, 102341. [Link] [PDF]

Hay, N., Onwuzurike, O., Roy, S., McNamara, P., McNamara, M., McDonald, W.M. 2023. Impact of traffic on air pollution in a mid-sized urban city during COVID-19 lockdowns. Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health. 16, 1141–1152 [Link] [PDF]

Gunawardana, C.J., Dupasquier, M., McDonald, W.M., 2023. Green infrastructure in series reduces thermal impacts of stormwater runoff. Journal of Sustainable Water in the Built Environment. 9 (2). [Link] [PDF]

Zhang, K., Sebo, S., McDonald, W., Bhaskar, A., Shuster, W., Stewart, R. D., & Parolari, A. J., 2023. The Role of Inflow and Infiltration (I/I) in Urban Water Balances and Streamflow Regimes: A Hydrograph Analysis Along the Sewershed‐Watershed Continuum. Water Resources Research, 59(4), e2022WR032529. [Link] [PDF]

Quinn, N., Sridharan, V., Rairex-Avila, J., Imem, S., Gao, H., Talchabhadel, R., Kumar, S., McDonald, W.M., 2022. Applications of GIS and remote sensing in public participation and stakeholder engagement for TMDL development and implementation. Socio-Environmental Systems Modelling, 4, 18149. [Link] [PDF]

Sullivan, C., McDonald, W.M., 2022. Hydrologic and water quality performance of a subsurface gravel wetland treating stormwater runoff. Journal of Environmental Management. [Link] [PDF].

Sebo, S., McDonald, W.M., 2022. Influence of Sewershed Characteristics on Rainfall Derived Inflow and Infiltration. Journal of American Water Resources Association. DOI: 10.1111/1752-1688.13051 [Link] [PDF]

O’Malley, K., McNamara, P., McDonald, W.M., 2022. Seasonal and spatial patterns differ between intracellular and extracellular antibiotic resistance genes in urban stormwater runoff. Environmental Science: Advances. DOI: 10.1039/D2VA00065B [Link] [PDF]

Regier, E.M., McDonald, W.M., 2022. Water quality and hydrologic performance of two bioswales at an urban farm. Journal of Sustainable Water in the Built Environment. 8(3). [Link] [PDF]

O’Malley, K., McDonald, W.M., McNamara, P., 2022. An Extraction Method to Quantify the Fraction of Extracellular and Intracellular Antibiotic Resistance Genes in Aquatic Environments. Journal of Environmental Engineering. 148 (5). [Link] [PDF]

Regier, E., Naughton, J., & McDonald, W., 2021. Transposing flood risk from extreme rainfall events: A case study of Hurricane Harvey. Journal of Flood Risk Management, e12778. [Link] [PDF]

O'Malley, K., McNamara, P., & McDonald, W., 2021. Antibiotic resistance genes in an urban stream before and after a state fair. Journal of Water and Health. [Link] [PDF]

Naughton, J., Sharior, S., Parolari, A., Strifling, D., & McDonald, W., 2021. Barriers to Real-Time Control of Stormwater Systems. Journal of Sustainable Water in the Built Environment, 7(4), 04021016. [Link] [PDF]

Bosman, L., Roy, S., McDonald, W., & Ababei, C., 2020. Using online discussions to connect theory and practice in core engineering undergraduate courses. Computer Applications in Engineering Education, 28(3), 675-691. [Link] [PDF]

Strifling, D., McDonald, W.M, Hathaway, H. and Naughton, J.B., 2019., Overcoming Legal and Institutional Barriers to the Implementation of Innovative Environmental Technologies (October 23, 2019). Notre Dame Journal on Emerging Technologies (Forthcoming). [Link] [PDF]

Naughton, J.B., McDonald, W.M., 2019. Evaluating the variability of urban land surface temperatures using drone observations. Remote Sensing. [Link] [PDF]

McDonald, W.M., Naughton, J.B. 2019. Stormwater management actions under regulatory pressure: a case study of southeast Wisconsin. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management. [Link] [PDF]

McDonald, W.M. 2019. Drones in urban stormwater management: a review and future perspectives. Urban Water Journal. [Link] [PDF]

Sharior S., McDonald, W.M., and Parolari, A.J. 2019. Improved reliability of stormwater detention basin performance through water quality data-informed real-time control. Journal of Hydrology. [Link] [PDF]

Bosman, L.B., McDonald, W.M., and Paterson, K. 2019. A collaborative multi-faculty approach to increase engineering competency through on-line discussions. World Transactions on Engineering and Technology Education, 17 (2). [Link] [PDF]

McDonald, W.M., Naughton, J.B. 2018. Impact of Hurricane Harvey on the Results of Regional Flood Frequency Analysis. Journal of Flood Risk Management. [Link] [PDF]

McDonald, W.M., Dymond, R.L., and Lohani, V.K., 2017. Evaluation of continuous monitoring as a tool for municipal stormwater management programs, Journal of Sustainable Water in the Built Environment, 4 (1) [Link] [PDF]

Aguilar, M.F., McDonald, W.M., and Dymond, R.L., 2016. Benchmarking Laboratory Observation Uncertainty for In-Pipe Storm Sewer Discharge Measurements, Journal of Hydrology, 534, pp 73-86. [Link] [PDF]

Brogan, D.S., McDonald, W.M., Lohani, V.K., and Dymond, R.L., 2016. Development and Classroom Implementation of an Environmental Data Creation and Sharing Tool. Advances in Engineering Education (AEE), 5 (2). [Link] [PDF]

Hodges, C.C., McDonald, W.M., Dymond, R.L., and Hancock, K.L., 2015.  Improved Methods of Parameterization for Estimating the Magnitude and Frequency of Peak Discharges in Rural Ungaged Streams, Journal of Hydrologic Engineering[Link] [PDF]

McDonald, W. M., Brogan, D. S., Lohani, V. K., Dymond, R. L. and Clark, R. L., 2015. Integrating a real-time environmental monitoring lab into university and community college courses, International Journal of Engineering Education (IJEE), 31 (4). [Link] [PDF]

McDonald, W.M., Lohani, V.K., Dymond, R.L., and Brogan, D.S., 2015. A Continuous, High-Frequency Environmental Monitoring System for Watershed Education Research. Journal of Engineering Education Transformations (JEET), 28(4). DOI: 10.16920/jeet/2015/v28i4/70385. [Link] [PDF]

Clark, H.A., McDonald, W.M., Lohani, V.K., and Dymond, R.L., 2015. Investigating the Response of a Small Urbanized Watershed to Acute Toxicity Events via Analysis of High Frequency Environmental Data. American Journal of Undergraduate Research (AJUR), 12(3). [Link] [PDF]